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International Batch Address Validation

Our global address validation service allows you to check postal addresses in 240 countries world-wide.

Stop wasting money on mailings and shipping products to addresses that do not exist - just upload your addresses here and we\'ll validate and correct them for you.

With our Address Validation service, cleansing address data is very easy: just upload a CSV file with your addresses here - the first 100 address validations are FREE!.

Start Your FREE Trial Now

Upload your addresses as comma-separated values (CSV) files. CRM systems, databases and spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel are capable to export data to CSV.

Do you have an account already?


Register for Your Free
Batch Address Validation Account!

You will automatically receive 100 free address checks for your new account.
Your First Name *
Your Last Name *
Your Business Email *

We will send an email to this address with the account details, and this email address will also be used for any future communication, such as status notifications or download links for your validation results.

Please note that we do not accept free email addresses like Gmail or Yahoo for the registration.

Will this account be used to process data of EU citizens? *

Bulk Address Validation Task Details

Task Name *
Choose a unique name that allows you to identify this task.
Country *
Select the country where your addresses are from. To validate addresses from different countries, please select the international option and make sure your CSV file contains a 'Country' column with either the country name or the ISO country code (e.g. US for the United States).
Language *
Select the output language (local language is usually the best option). For some countries, only English and the preferred local language used by the country's postal service is supported.
Include Geocoding? *
Output Charset *
Select the output charset (UTF-8 is usually the best option).
Address List File *
Select the CSV file with the addresses.
CSV files only (Unicode UTF-8/UTF-16), one address per line, use comma (',') as column separator. Please provide these columns:
two-letter ISO 3166-1 country code, 'XX' for international
Street Address
street/housenumber, may include building/unit/apt etc.
Address line 2
building/unit/apt etc. [optional]
city or locality (city, district) [optional]
Postal Code
zip/postal code [optional]
state/province [optional]
General usage:
always use "," to separate address elements where required
street address may also contain a complete address (leave all optional fields empty)
leave address line 2 empty
use big-to-small order for all other fields when using native script
use small-to-big order for all other fields when using english script
Excel files must be exported to CSV first:
Open the file in Excel.
Click Menu | Save As (Other Formats).
Enter a name for the file and choose "Unicode Text (*.txt)".
Click Save.

How Does Batch Address Verification Work?

Bulk address validation is designed to validate, format and correct long lists of addresses. Regardless of your company's size, you may have to deal with large address lists. Batch address verification software can process thousands of addresses in just a few minutes.

An in-bulk address validator checks each address on the list for accuracy and missing information. If you have a sizeable mailing list, doing so manually could take days. Entering each address into the validator and checking it separately can be time-consuming as well.

With our bulk verification program, you upload address lists to check them automatically. All the features offered by our online address validation APIs are available for bulk address verification as well.

  • Address validation
  • Address correction
  • Checking against USPS address database
  • International address format validation
  • Improved data quality
  • Fast address processing
  • Real time validation
In-bulk address verification is essential for seamless business operation.

Why is Bulk Address Verification Useful for Your Business?

Invalid postal addresses on your list generate significant losses in terms of time and money. Checking your mailing list manually or through a regular address checker could take hours or even days. Beside efficiency, batch address validation comes with the following benefits.

Higher Customer Satisfaction

When you send a product to the wrong address, it costs time and money to correct the mistake. During this time, the customer who is waiting for the product is getting more and more frustrated. A simple typo in the postal address could cause a reputation disaster for your company.

With bulk address validation, you don't have to worry about delivering your products or promotional materials to the wrong address. The program catches typos and formatting errors instantly.

Timely delivery enhances customer satisfaction and increases your NPS (Net Promoter Score).

Higher Conversion Rates

Implementing address validation can increase your conversion rate. The program allows you to enhance the user experience and provide products and services in the most effective manner possible.

With user experience being one of the top conversion drivers, validating postal addresses can increase conversion rates.

Just imagine sending a bunch of promotional materials to the wrong addresses. Your entire marketing campaign could have been wasted effort.

Cost Efficiency

While batch address verification doesn't cost much, it can improve the ROI of your marketing campaign. Just one wrong address could cost your business a significant amount of money. If you don't catch errors timely:

  • Your products could go to the wrong recipient.
  • Your marketing materials could be lost.
  • Your customers will be unsatisfied with the delivery delay and decide to consider other brands.

All of the above issues could be costly and affect the reputation of your company in a negative manner. If you want to provide top-notch services without inflating your marketing budget, valid addresses are a must-have.

Meanwhile, you can cut costs on:

  • Unplanned deliveries (in case your products were initially delivered to the wrong address).
  • Additional staff members (which you would need to employ for data entry and maintenance).

Overall, our batch address validation tool is an effective automated solution for any business.

Proper Data Management & Address Hygiene

Keeping the mailing list in top shape is on the agenda of every company. If a couple of wrong addresses slip through the cracks, you could have a tough time identifying the problem. If your list contains lots of invalid addresses you'll be spending more and more money on useless marketing and sales tactics

A proper address data maintenance strategy involves keeping your mailing lists clean. Doing so every three months could be time-consuming. A batch address validator can verify all addresses on your list within minutes. You can run it through the program as often as you need.

With the right approach to data management, you can maintain a high-quality marketing campaign and a solid company reputation.

Sound Decision Making Processes

Business owners need access to correct data in order to make the right decisions. Meanwhile, if you have invalid addresses on your list, the information you get can be misleading. For example, you can't calculate the conversion rate if you don't know how many letters reached the recipients.

This in turn interferes with proper decision-making related to sales and marketing tactics.