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Email List Validator

Email List Validator allows you to pre-check your email address lists:

  • Syntax verification (IETF/RFC standard conformance)
  • Automatic duplicate removal

After the static pre-check, we recommend that you upload your lists to our Email List Validation & Cleaning service for a full online validation (free for 1,000 email addresses):

  • Syntax verification (IETF/RFC standard conformance)
  • Automatic duplicate removal
  • DNS validation including MX record lookup
  • Disposable email address (DEA) detection
  • SMTP connection and availability checking
  • Temporary unavailability detection
  • Mailbox existence checking
  • Catch-All testing
  • Greylisting detection

Freeware Download
email list validator Email List Validator Setup (for all Windows versions)

When updating an existing installation, there is no need to uninstall the previous version. Simply download the latest version, and install it over your existing installation.