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Validate & Correct Addresses.

Boost checkout conversion ↑

Stop wasting money on return mail ↓

Address verification, correction, auto-complete & geocoding for 240 countries world-wide.

Address Autocomplete API

Have you ever had customers enter wrong addresses in your registration or eCommerce checkout forms? This can cause serious complications, especially if your eCommerce business prides itself on accurate and timely deliveries.

Our API offers address autocompletion as the user is typing - reducing the number of keystrokes up to 75%, improving website usability, and increasing checkout conversion rates, all while improving your customers' shopping experience.

The Address Autocomplete API provides address suggestions from 240+ countries in real time. This powerful API allows faster and more accurate address inputs as the use types. Autocomplete addresses are automatically standardized and formatted to fit international standards. It can also find and autocomplete street name, city, ZIP / postal code and more, based on only a few keystrokes of an address. Adjustments can easily be made to further fine-tune accuracy.

How the Address Autocomplete API works

Address Autocomplete is a very useful feature perfect for filling out web forms. It uses the autocomplete function as the user starts typing text into an input field, whether it is during the order process or in a registration or contact form.

Our API provides accurate and relevant address suggestions based on just a few keystrokes. It reduces the time it takes to enter an address, prevents typographical errors and reduces cart abandonment rates significantly. Data can be submitted faster and more accurately, speeding up transactions.

Why every checkout page needs Address Autocomplete

Have you ever abandoned a cart simply because filling out the form was too time-consuming?

One of the major challenges for eCommerce websites is to reject invalid addresses while speeding up customer checkouts. Nonexistent or wrong addresses cause additional costs and decrease customer satisfaction. By reducing typing errors and detecting incorrect addresses right at the point of entry, user experience and customer satisfaction are optimized and cart abandonment is minimized.

How to use the Address Autocomplete API

Integrating our Address Autocomplete API into your website or eCommerce platform is quick and easy. Ready-made plugins and example code in Javascript, PHP, Java etc. is available on our website. Once linked to your checkout page, the API automatically supports visitors with a list of suggestions.

Address Autocomplete is very flexible. You can for example customize it to only suggest addresses from certain countries.

Free Trial!Auto-Complete

Still not sure it's for you? Try the Auto-Complete API and see for yourself. It's easy to use - get started now with a free API key.